Rakhi festival also called Raksha Bandhan is being celebrated over whole country today. Rakbhi Falls on every SHravan Purnima and considered as one of the biggest festivals of India.
So, to wish your sisters and brother, here are some of the best SMS, quotes, text scraps and greetings card for this festival to send them and wish happy Raksha Bandhan.
The loving occasion of Raksha Bandhan is the best time Brother, to reminisce fondly the wonderful moment we have spent together, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows… Thanks for spreading smiles everywhere and making life so beautiful, meaningful and Happy… My Dear Brother . WIsh you the happiest Raksha bandhan.
Today I wish
May laughter and joy
brighten every day
and success and happiness
smile on you all the way.
Happy Raksha Bandhan
God could not take care for the whole world
so he has given mothers to each family.
In the same way mother could not take care
for the whole part of our life,
so she had given brothers.
Thanks for being my brother.
“Happy Rakhi 2010”
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