TI and Tiny, arrested on drug charges, are taking over entertainment news today. Was it ecstasy that police found during the search? Get the updated story here, and see related video below.
New details have emerged in the arrest of TI and his wife Tameka ‘Tiny’ Cottle. It turns out they allegedly performed an illegal U-turn in a car that may be worth more than your house.
After being stopped by authorities, police claim they could smell marijuana (Paris Hilton, you hear me knockin’). A subsequent search yielded a “small amount of pills” that police believed could be ecstasy. The unidentified pills are now being tested, while fans eagerly await the outcome.
PopEater has all of the latest info.
Normally I revel in the utter stupidity of celebrities, but this is just not cool. After being popped for a major weapons violation that lead to a seven month stay in prison stint, I was really hoping TI was able to make a turn around. He even fell in love and got married—so what’s he doing allegedly driving around with illegal drugs in LA?
I really hope this is a misunderstanding and that the charges get dropped. The countless inner-city kids who look up to this man are already struggling with a severe lack of role models. His Road to Redemption series really struck a chord with me; here was a man who owns up to his mistakes and had the fortitude to pick up and keep moving after reaching rock bottom.
So far it is unclear whether or not the charge and potential conviction could lead to a probation violation for the rapper.
I’m sure the headline TI and Tiny arrested is not one his probation officer is thrilled to hear. Check out some related photos and video below.
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