Singer Azumi Uehara (26), best known for singing two ending themes to the "Meitantei Conan" anime series, is being suspected of fraud. This week's issue of Shukan Bunshun reports that Uehara is involved with a group that swindles men through "lover contracts," and that she has so far taken roughly 20 million yen from her targets.
According to Shukan Bunshun, Azumi Uehara used a fake name and profile on an internet message board to form an 8-month "lover contract" with someone. After receiving a typical payment of 2.5 million yen, she would sleep with him once before suddenly cutting off all contact. She is said to have swindled 10 men so far.
The magazine published photos of Uehara with the ringleader of the swindling group, along with other evidence such as a swindling manual that the group used. When asked for comment, Uehara's management agency only said that she was dismissed on July 19 for violating her contract and gave no further details.
Uehara made her debut at the age of 17 when she sang "Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni" as the "Meitantei Conan" theme song. She released a total of 8 singles and 2 albums, but her career has effectively been on hold since her last release in 2006.
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